iClinicSys and MNDRS

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Since the latter part of 2013, Malita has been receiving technical assistance from the World Health Organization. And two of those assistance include the iClinicSys and the Maternal and Neonatal Death Reporting System (MNDRS). 

The iClinicSys is an electonic reporting system which can be used online and offline at the rural health unit and barangay health stations. The system can generate electronic reports which can be taken from all the inputs of the different pesonnel. 

The MNDRS is also an electronic reporting system for the maternal and neonatal deaths. With this, it is easier for the personnel to report and validate reports of all maternal and neonatal deaths. This would prevent underreporting of all maternal and neonatal deaths. 

For this whole week we are having trainings on these two systems. We thank the World Health Organization for the support.

Pope Francis Sa Pilipinas

Saturday, January 17, 2015

I have read so many stories about Pope Francis, how he prefers to stay in his apartment, how he prefers to ride the bus, how he offered his food to his guard and so on and so forth. I have admired this man since he began as a Pope. 

Today I have witnessed him giving a mass at Tacloban, Leyte. Although I only saw it in television, his words are in my hearts. What's so extraordinary about the mass is that his words, his preachings are from his heart, there is truth in his words. His words are humbling. That's how I felt. 

Thank you Pope Francis for coming to the Philippines. May our country and the people be blessed. 

Starting the day right

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

It's a new year and I'm wishing and praying for a healthier mind, body and spirit. So i thought I should start everyday right, right? I used to do yoga on my own. I downloaded this app so that I can do yoga anytime. This time I'm using it again. It's called All-in-Yoga.

You can download any exercises you want for free. To use it, put your phone or your ipad on the floor  so that you won't have a hard time transferrring it. There are poses that you do while on the floor. It's a nice app really.

Tomorrow I'm gonna do the same exercise but before doing it, I plan to pray first then yoga then TED talks.

How about you? Care to share your routine for your daily inspiration?

New Year Plans and a Greeting

Friday, January 2, 2015

I've been down since new year's eve. Colds and muscle weakness. Great way to start the year. Wasn't able to hear mass or see the fireworks with the family. Nonetheless, I can make every day a new day right?!

2014 has been a great and a worse year for me. Full of pains and yet it was full of lessons. 

For this year 2015, I would like to invest on relationships. Relationships with people, making friends and bonding with the family. I have learned that nothing is more important in this world than how we treat other people. And so I'm keeping my "sapot" to myself and just project happiness. 

I plan to practice more on calligraphy. Want to hoard more pens, vintage and new. Hihihi

So whatever the year will bring in, I just want to sail through it and learn more every step of the way. 

Happy New Year Everyone. May your year be full of love and laughter.