
Tuesday, September 19, 2017

I have been very angry for the past few weeks. An emotion so strong that it was just so hard to control. I try to avoid people but in my line of work, I cannot really avoid them. In a sense, they are the lifeline of what I do for a living. 

I felt frustrated which eventually led to anger. And I didn't like it. It's as if I struggled to wake up everyday. I didn't wanna leave the house. I didn't wanna go anywhere or talk to anybody or do anything. I just wanted to be inside my comfort zone. I thought that if I'd stay in my zone, I wouldn't be able to say anything bad that may hurt people. 

And it was an emotion that was so difficult to shake off. I tried to suppress the emotions but it just wouldn't leave. It's like having your own demons to conquer. I tried to find reasons. And the only thing that I could point it to was expecting too much from people and then being let down. That's why I've always said countless times that I don't like expecting something. Better to not know than, knowing and waiting and being let down in the end. 

How to end it? There's no easy way really. Just waiting for it to end and fill it up with happy memories. It's like a thermometer reaching a boiling point. And you just wait for it to lower down by taking it out of the source of heat and putting it up somewhere. 

And I just turned to Him and pray to Him and read His scriptures. And I prayed that the next time it would happen again would be never. Or if it would happen again, I would have the strength and the courage to deal with it and not hurt anyone.

Am I over it completely? I don't think anybody could be over it completely. But at least I'm not at the peak anymore. I'm way below the threshold and I'm happy. I'm happy that it'll be over soon. I can start laughing my ass off again.

I'm writing it down because I wanna acknowledge it. I wanna tell myself that, "Yes, I am human and I go through this." And by acknowledging it, I can tell myself repeatedly that there are things I cannot control and must let go; that only 10% of everything can be controlled (as the saying goes). And that I have the 10% to perfect. The rest of the 90%, I leave by faith. And so should everyone else.

Have courage. Be kind.

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