
Monday, May 24, 2010

I attended a friend's wedding this afternoon. The bride was a classmate of mine. The groom i only met while reviewing for the boards in Manila. The two of them met also while reviewing in Manila.

The part that I look forward to the most is the video presentation. I get so sentimental looking at it. It reminds me of my own wedding... the preparations, who to invite and the money matters. Would it make any difference now if it was just a very simple wedding?

I was wondering if it was written in any law books as to how many years should a couple be married before renewing their vows. I've seen people renewing their vows after two years of marriage. Others ten, fifteen or fifty years. Is it really necessary?

I've been married for over three years now and it seems only yesterday. Time flies so fast. Whenever I seen couples, I can't help but wonder what their wedding would be like.

Lullabies for Babies

Sunday, May 23, 2010

When I was still pregnant with Reese, I used to listen to my ipod with one earphone attached to my belly. When she born, i sang to her all the time. She wouldn't sleep without anyone singing to her. She was always fuzzy and music soothed her. As she was growing up, she loves music. Even when she doesn't want to sleep at night and cries whenever i turn off the tv, singing to her makes her sleepy... making it my secret weapon.

When i got pregnant with Kate, I seldom listened to my ipod. I was constantly running around playing with Reese. It was only during the last few weeks that I got to use it. So naturally i never expected Kate to like music as mush as Reese does.

A week ago, Kate was fuzzy. This was new to me as she was never like that. I fed her, changed her diaper but she kept crying. I swayed her but still she cried. So I decided to use my secret weapon. To my amazement she fell asleep.

I think babies like music whether they got use to it while they were in the tummy or not. So now I sing to both of them as what I was wishing to do to all my kids.